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watcher attack baseSignature Moveuncommon frame


Signature Move

watcher mana



Can only be played if this is the only Attack in your hand.
Deal 30 damage.

watcher attack baseSignature Moveuncommon frame


Signature Move+

watcher mana



Can only be played if this is the only Attack in your hand.
Deal 40 damage.

Signature Move





What we think of signaturemove

Signature move is an extremely difficult card to pull off. On top of this, the damage that it deals is not particularly exceptional. Compare this to grand finale - grand finale deals more damage, and that damage is aoe, and on top of this it doesn't have any cost. Even on turns where this is the only attack that is drawn, it can be difficult to find the energy to play it out. In theory, as long as you play all the attacks in your hand you will be able to play this, which means you don't have to gimp your deck by picking very few attacks. On the other hand, its high cost means playing out more than one attack before this card can be difficult, and attacks that retain make this even harder to pull off. Note that you should never put multiple copies of signature move in your deck, as if two are drawn on the same turn there is no way to play either of them.

card antisynergies