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Health Sacrifice

Health Sacrifice

Archetype summary

Sacrifice your health in exchange for power.

When to pivot to 'Health Sacrifice' archetype

When you find an early Brutality and/or Combust then get offered Rupture.

Star items

This build focuses on using self-damaging cards like Brutality and Combust in combination with Rupture to consistently gain Strength. Rupture can be stacked multiple times to accelerate battles but note that multiple copies of Brutality only trigger health loss once, so only grant one strength per turn. The same goes for Combust (though Brutality and Combust do at least trigger separately).

Support items

To pull this strategy off, it's important to include not only self-damaging cards like Hemokinesis, Offering, and Bloodletting but also cards that can benefit from the strength gain, like Heavy Blade, Whirlwind or Limit Break. Blood for Blood offers a powerful, low-cost attack that synergizes well with this deck. Healing options are important to sustain you through multiple fights - Reaper is a particular stand out in this regard since it also synergises with strength.

There are other more niche ways to lose health such as through curses or relics but these are not required nor to be relied upon. I will give Pain a special call-out since it can trigger Rupture several times in a turn, but it relies on Rupture being active first.

Don't skimp on the card draw and remember to include defensive options or your health will whittle away much faster than you can manage.

'Health Sacrifice' archetype weaknesses

Be careful when using Tungsten Rod. It's useful to prevent some damage coming in, but if you're running one copy of Combust for example, the 1hp dmg becomes 0hp damage which prevents your Rupture from triggering. You can overcome this by running two or more copies of Combust instead.

Note that Combust and Brutality trigger at different times - having one copy of each means losing 1hp twice, not 2hp once. On the other side of the coin, 3 copies of Combust cause you to lose 3hp once per turn, so will only trigger Rupture once per turn.