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Archetype summary

Become all-powerful by constantly playing powers.

When to pivot to 'Powers' archetype

When you get an early Creative AI or find a Bird-Faced Urn or Mummified Hand.

Star items

The Defect has a whole suite of cards that synergise around creating and playing powers. Creative AI is the linchpin than allows you to trigger these synergies over and over again. It's expensive and slow so may be unreliable in hallway fights but it renders most boss fights a walk in the park even on its own.

The synergies provided by the other cards in this archetype tend to work faster, quickly pulling you through your deck, scaling you up and outputting damage at the same time. Storm and Heatsinks are great at speeding up fights but need Creative AI to keep the juice flowing in longer combats.

Amplify can be unreliable but has huge upsides when it works. Creative AI tends to not need to be doubled, since Creative AI can actually generate itself eventually, and it's also difficult to have the energy to play 7 cards per turn; most other powers work well as targets, and you should double whatever best suits the situation.

Mummified Hand accelerates this deck massively, and with Bird-Faced Urn you can theoretically heal to full every fight if you're patient and brave enough.

Support items

Since your powers can do a lot of work offensively (mostly through lightning orb effects), the supporting cards for this deck are simply draw, block and energy gain.

Heatsinks solves your draw, but since it isn't Innate you'll want some draw to reliably find it.

Equilibrium can help you get more value out of your turns, holding key powers until other powers have been played, and increasing the chance that Amplify hits the power you want. Seek and Hologram help with this too.

Recycle is good for getting rid of useless generated cards, and you'll tend to have very big hands with this deck. TURBO is great with Heatsinks, and Aggregate can benefit from Creative AI and Hello World's constant card creation.

Don't be afraid to weave in some Frost for some powerful defence, especially once your powers have kicked in. The power deck only generates lightning orbs, but Frost will save your bacon against heavy damage.

Echo Form is always a powerful card, and lets you play your powers twice for double the effect and double the synergies. It's not a necessary addition, and can slow your deck down even further, but is a great pull from Creative AI.

'Powers' archetype weaknesses

The Awakened One is this deck's worst nightmare. Play the fight carefully, activating your Creative AI but being selective about which powers you play, focussing on Orbs and Focus first. He only scales when you play Powers so you can take this fight slowly so long as you can fend off his attacks. Once the boss dies for the first time, it's safe to then play out the rest of your powers and mow him down.

This deck is slow which can make hallway fights difficult. Upgrading Storm improves the consistency of quick damage output considerably, so this should be prioritised.

Some powers will serve you better than others - if your Creative AI generates Biased Cognition, make sure to have Artifact or to clear the fight within 4 or so turns, otherwise skip it. Hello World is unreliable and generally considered one of the Defect's worst powers since it can clog your deck with awkward cards and make it less consistent; that said, it's only an upside in short combats, giving you more options each turn for free, but it will water down your defensive cards in the long-term leaving you open to damage in longer boss fights.