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Archetype summary

Turtle up with 100 block per turn.

When to pivot to 'Frost' archetype

When you get a lot of orb slots and focus.

Star items

Frost orbs provide so much block that they can solve your defence entirely. Make sure to have extra orbs and focus to take your block per turn from 6 up to 54 with just two Defragments and two Capacitors. This leaves you with so much energy spare to focus entirely on damage once you are set up.

The Frost-generating cards have a good amount of utility and are strong in their own right: Glacier provides the most block in a single card, Chill is very useful for early defence while you scale, and Coolheaded helps you cycle to your powers.

Calipers is absurdly good for being able to maintain the huge amounts of block you can rack up each turn, easily letting you reach the cap of 999 Block.

Support items

There are a couple more sources of Frost. Cold Snap is great against all Act 1 Elites (generating defence against Gremlin Nob without giving him Strength, giving Block ignoring Dexterity Down in Lagavulin, and helping you tank damage on bad turns in the Sentries fight). Chaos has the chance to generate Frost, and Rainbow generates a bunch of Orbs including Frost - these cards are fine if you have enough sources of Frost to generate new orbs, otherwise you may leave yourself open to damage while you scurry to patch the hole in your defenses that they create.

Frozen Core is a solid pick in this deck, helping set you up faster, putting less onus on Frost generation and more on Focus and Orb Slots. Dualcast and Multi-Cast can be used and Frozen Core will replace the missing orb, letting you Evoke more frequently.

Orichalcum does work with Frost Orbs and can help generate even more end-of-turn Block, particularly useful while you set up.

As much as this deck's defining feature is its defence, you still need offense to finish combats. The simplest way is to sprinkle in some Lightning or Dark orb generation if it's safe to do so, especially if you have Focus. Failing that, pick up some simple attacks like Barrage, Streamline, Sweeping Beam or Rip and Tear instead.

'Frost' archetype weaknesses

Perhaps controversially, I don't think Blizzard is strong enough to run in this build, despite it being its entire purpose. You need to have played 5 Frost orbs just to match an All-Out Attack, which could take more than an entire cycle of your deck, and even then you're just matching the damage. It obviously scales over longer combats, helping with long drawn out boss fights like the Champ, but in most hallway fights and boss encounters it's far too slow to be useful. If you are already virtually invincible, you can choose any source of damage to carry you through fights - something like Barrage, Streamline or Rip and Tear would serve you just as well. Consider running Blizzard only in a fairly slim deck which can consistently generate a minimum of 2-3 orbs per turn, or as multi-target damage for Deca and Donu, or if your deck is so strong you just want to try it for the fun of it.

Obviously, don't take Focus Down effects.