Archetypes: learn how make full use of your deck View archetypes →


Archetype summary

Rack up absurd amounts of strength and demolish foes with gigantic attacks.

When to pivot to 'Strength' archetype

Inflame is always a decent pick and can open the door for synergistic attacks.

Demon Form can be a great opportunity to steer into a strength deck even without other strength cards, though is best taken when you're on 4 energy.

Avoid taking Limit Break without a single form of strength gain as it's too much of a gamble to hold a dead card while you look for sources of strength gain. Similarly, avoid Heavy Blade and Sword Boomerang unless you already have some strength gain.

Star items

Ironclad has several forms of strength gain, but Demon Form and Limit Break can take it to the next level.

Demon Form works as a standalone item for a strength build, though it's expensive and relatively slow. Limit Break lets any strength gain spiral out of control once you get started, but requires a couple of strength effects to start the ball rolling. A well-timed Flex combined with Limit Break can be a huge boost for the turn and the combat.

Certain attacks work particularly well with strength - most notably Heavy Strike and Whirlwind. If you scale hard enough, Reaper can virtually heal your entire healthbar at the end of each fight - just remember that you can only heal actual damage done and overkill damage doesn't count.

Support items

Strength synergises with all attacks, but is particularly useful for multi-target and multi-strike cards.

Vulnerable multiplies your damage so is worth having in your deck.

Remember to include typical defensive options to maintain your hp while you draw your strength gain cards.

'Strength' archetype weaknesses

Demon Form is slow and expensive making it clunky. Hallway fights can be slow and painful depending on how quickly you draw your strength gain.