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Archetype summary

Abuse high-value status-generating cards then benefit from drawing them.

When to pivot to 'Status' archetype

An early Evolve allows you to pick up status-generating cards without fear. At worst, it can still be indispensable on certain fights (such as Act 1 Sentries Elite). Mark of Pain as a Neow starting boon relic makes this a no-brainer too. Fire Breathing can be a gamble to take without already having any other key pieces.

Star items

This archetype revolves around abusing powerful status-generating cards by negating their offsets. Evolve nullifies most of the downsides of drawing statuses. Fire Breathing turns those statuses into a win condition; no more than 2 are necessary. Add some exhaust options to manage the build up of statuses, since too many Wounds can completely clog up your hand. Couple this with a few reliable draw cards to keep triggering Fire Breathing.

Support items

There are a few Ironclad cards that generate statuses. They tend to be more powerful to account for their downsides, and this archetype offsets the cons. Feel free to draft a few, but not so many that your Evolve takes too long to play.

Draw is important for repeatedly triggering your Fire Breathing. In addition to Evolve, pick up some Shrug It Offs and Pommel Strikes for fast cycle. Warcry is uniquely useful since it allows you to draw Statuses but also put one back on the top of your draw pile, which in some situations is the optimal move.

Feel free to draft some Exhaust cards like Burning Pact and True Grit to help manage the build up of statuses which can become excessive, particularly with Burns and Wounds. Medical Kit can help you in a pinch - if you pick this up, also consider some extra Exhaust synergies like Dark Embrace.

Mark of Pain is a nice boss relic for this archetype.

Ascender's Bane triggers Fire Breathing, which gives it some utility. I wouldn't go out of my way to pick up curses, but some events that give you curses look more attractive when you're running this build. Proceed with caution.

'Status' archetype weaknesses

It is possible to generate too many statuses. It's not uncommon to be holding 10 cards, 7 of which are Wounds, effectively rendering the draw useless. More exhaust cards can help manage this.

I strongly recommend avoiding Runic Pyramid since Wounds will not naturally discard when you have it. (Burns have an end of turn effect so will play themselves out, fortunately.) Again, Exhaust cards can solve this problem.