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We're still working on 'Status' archetype. Check back for updates.

Archetype summary

This archetype revolves around abusing powerful status-generating cards by negating their offsets. Evolve nullifies most of the downsides of drawing statuses. Fire Breathing turns those statuses into a win condition; no more than 2 are necessary. Add some exhaust options to manage the build up of statuses, since too many Wounds can completely clog up your hand. Couple this with a few reliable draw cards to keep triggering Fire Breathing.

When to pivot to 'Status' archetype

An early Evolve allows you to pick up status-generating cards without fear. At worst, it can still be indispensable on certain fights (such as Act 1 Sentries Elite). Mark of Pain as a Neow starting boon relic makes this a no-brainer too. Fire Breathing can be a gamble to take without already having any other key pieces.

Support items

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'Status' archetype weaknesses

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