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Dropkick Infinite

Dropkick Infinite

Archetype summary

Thin your deck down to trigger an infinite double Dropkick combo.

When to pivot to 'Dropkick Infinite' archetype

When you find an early Dropkick before you have drafted too many cards.

Star items

This deck requires at least two copies of Dropkick to be able to get them to draw each other, since cards cannot draw themselves. Once you are holding your entire deck in your hand, you can play Dropkick into your discard pile, shuffle it to your draw pile, then draw it with another Dropkick, repeatingly infinitely.

Any form of Vulnerable will work for Dropkick, but Bash is usually used since it's a starter card and you want your deck as small as possible. Bash is a higher priority upgrade than your Dropkicks, as higher uptime on Vulnerable increases the chances of pulling the combo off, and once it's active it does infinite damage anyway.

There are some cards that can thin your deck during battle too, most notably the common card True Grit, which are essential. Focus on saving money for removals and hitting as many shops as you can.

If going for the Heart, Rage is a lifesaver.

Support items

Dual Wield should be taken if you only have one Dropkick in your deck, as multiple copies of Dropkick are required to pull this off.

Draw cards, in particular Pommel Strike+, can help you get set up and restart your combos in fights against multiple foes.

Apparition can keep you from taking damage until your combo is set up, which can take a few turns as you slim your deck down.

'Dropkick Infinite' archetype weaknesses

Time Eater is the combo deck killer. The Heart can also chip away at you as you damage it and forces the fight to take several turns unless you have Rage. Enemies with Artifact such as the Sentries, Spheric Guardian and Deca & Donu make it difficult to get your combo started. Enemies that put statuses in your deck can make this combo unreliable too. Relics that grant defensive stats can help in these situations, such as Ornamental Fan. The apparitions event in Act 2 can be a huge help here as well.

Ensure your deck is not too large or it will take too long to pull off your combo each fight.