Archetypes: learn how make full use of your deck View archetypes →

Archetype summary

The Claw is the law.

When to pivot to 'Claw' archetype

When you see a Claw in Act 1, then you see another before your deck gets too big.

Star items

The claw deck strategy is simple - put claws in your deck and play them as much as possible. How many claws is a difficult question, but more than 3 tends to be excessive and opens you up to too much damage. 2-3 is the sweet spot to make it fast enough.

Claws don't tend to be priority upgrades, as +2 damage per play is difficult to justify. Consider upgrading your defences or card manipulation tools first.

Support items

Hologram, All For One, Rebound and Reboot can be great at retrieving Claws to ramp them up faster.

Draw is also powerful for the same reason, so consider Scrape, Coolheaded, Skim and the likes.

Recycle can prevent pesky statuses from clogging up your deck and help make it thinner.

Frost tends to be the best use of your orb slots since damage scaling is not a concern with this deck. Glacier plus some Focus can go a long way.

Beam Cell is the only Defect card that applies Vulnerable, so pick it up if you see it to multiply your Claw damage even more.

Echo Form is always strong, but it's additional synergy with Claw is obvious.

'Claw' archetype weaknesses

You'll often play a lot of cards per turn with so many 0-cost cards, so avoid anything that prevents this. Time-Eater can be a problem for Claws although later on you'll do lots of damage per card played.

Combats like the Thieves and the Transient which are fast and frontloaded in damage can be a concern for this deck as it has a slow start.