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4 Card Infinite

4 Card Infinite

Archetype summary

Generate infinite energy with a 4 card combo.

When to pivot to '4 Card Infinite' archetype

When you find a few of the key cards early on: Skim, Recycle, Fusion (especially the harder-to-find uncommons).

Star items

This deck revolves around thinning your deck down until you can repeatedly draw a 4 card combo that refunds itself. Recycle is crucial for thinning your deck and removing statuses, while Skim is your draw engine. Fusion and Dualcast are an example of how to go energy-neutral: use Skim+ to draw Fusion+, Dualcast+ and Hologram+, pulling back your Skim+ with Hologram. This generates 4 energy and costs only 3, repeatable infinitely. Since your Skim+ can draw 4 cards, you can use a 4 card combo of Skim+, Fusion+, Dualcast+, Hologram+ and Strike to deal infinite damage.

This is just one example of the combo. As long as your 4 card combo does not cost more energy than it generates, and you're dealing at least 1 damage, you can handle almost any encounter.

A second copy of Skim can substitute Hologram and also makes your turn 1 significantly more reliable. There is no harm in having Skim, Skim and Hologram all in your deck; any extraneous cards can eventually be exhausted anyway.

Support items

Since Recycle needs to thin your deck down to no more than 10 cards, avoid taking anything other than exhaust cards or powers to help speed up your combo. Cards like Boot Sequence, Fission and Seek help you get set up.

Abacus will get you through the Heart's Beat of Death damage. Sundial can be useful but generally not necessary for an infinite deck.

An alternative infinite combo is Fusion+, Coolheaded+, Coolheaded+. The Coolheadeds draw Fusion and the other Coolheaded copy, and the Fusion pays for it. Finish enemies with a Blizzard when the damage is stacked high enough.

Meteor Strike can generate 6 energy the second time it is played by evoking 3 Plasma Orbs, making it suitable as a replacement for Fusion. The downside is having the energy to play Fusion the first time.

'4 Card Infinite' archetype weaknesses

Snecko messes up this combo, so consider playing that fight differently. With a lucky 0-cost in your discard pile, you may be able to maximise occasional discounts using Hologram, since the card cost is randomised only when drawn, not when pulled using Hologram.

Time Eater is a problem for any infinite deck. The Meteor Strike or Blizzard flavors of this deck can help with damage output per 4-card cycle.

The Chosen's Hex debuff consistently interrupts this combo - make sure you have enough cards outside of your combo to get through this encounter.