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silent power baseWell-Laid Plansuncommon frame


Well-Laid Plans

silent mana



At the end of your turn, Retain up to 1 card.

silent power baseWell-Laid Plansuncommon frame


Well-Laid Plans+

silent mana



At the end of your turn, Retain up to 2 cards.

Well-Laid Plans





What we think of welllaidplans

Well laid plans is an exceptionally powerful card for the silent. When it used to cost 0 energy it was an instapick, exceptionally easy to play in fights for a considerable upside. Now that it costs 1 energy it is actually worth considering in a fight whether or not the one energy could be spent more effectively. in a longer boss fight or elite fight it is usually worth playing other power, but in a small hallway fight for example against the bandits, that one energy is typically better spent on an attack or a block. I would always be happy to pick up one or perhaps 2 copies of well laid plans in my deck, since sometimes one copy can find itself on the bottom of your deck and you need to make sure that you draw one early to be able to set up devastating turns with Catalyst, Grand Finale, Phantasmal Killer, Wraith Form, and Nightmare, just to name a few. In the worst case scenario, you are still able to hold an important block card for a dangerous turn, such as a Panic Button.