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Archetype summary

Death by a thousand cuts.

When to pivot to 'Shiv' archetype

When you find Shuriken or Kunai. It's fine to pick up some Shiv cards early - if you find an Accuracy after you have a couple that can be a sign to pivot too.

Star items

Blade Dance is the best source of Shivs and has good damage for a common even without synergies. Infinite Blades is also consistent though quite slow.

Any effects that trigger when you play cards work well, such as A Thousand Cuts and After Image. Shuriken and Kunai work very well in a Shiv deck, since the Silent can make very good use of both Strength and Dexterity.

Accuracy significantly increases the damage of your Shivs, as do other Strength effects.

Support items

Strength gain obviously works well if you can find it, since every Shiv benefits from the damage boost.

Finisher is inconsistent but can occasionally deal tons of damage in just one card which can be important in certain encounters.

I find Storm of Steel quite unimpressive - only run this if you have lots of draw. It leaves you open to damage if you discard your defence, and underwhelming with a small hand.

'Shiv' archetype weaknesses

Dead Branch theoretically synergises with Shiv, but generally it makes your second cycle so big that you basically stop running a Shiv deck and have to use whatever random cards get generated. I try to avoid Dead Branch when running Shiv, though you might be able to make use of it.

Strange Spoon is a definite no, since drawing Shivs is terrible - it will mean you float energy and have lacklustre turns.

Since you play so many cards, Velvet Choker is a definite no-no.

Time Eater and the Heart can be tough for this deck. Accuracy, Strength and Dexterity will help you make the most of each card.