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Infinite Discard

Infinite Discard

We're still working on 'Infinite Discard' archetype. Check back for updates.

Archetype summary

Generate infinite energy using a looping discard combo.

When to pivot to 'Infinite Discard' archetype

Calculated Gamble is a strong card to pick up early in any situation, and finding two early is a good sign to push for infinite. Prepared is fairly safe to draft alone too. Reflex and Tactician are harder to pick up without already having other combo pieces, but if you have some discard or a Tools of the Trade you can draft them fairly safely.

An eary Tingsha or Tough Bandages can help you survive whilst looking for your combo pieces and make your deck that much stronger when it's complete.

Star items

This archetype generates energy by playing out 0-cost cards that discard Reflex and Tactician to get energy and refill your hand. Keep your deck small so you can draw enough to repeat the cycle and you have an infinite combo!

You'll need cheap draw to consistently refill your hand since you'll be discarding constantly, and your discard cards rarely result in a net-positive draw. (Calculated Gamble and Prepared both leave your hand one smaller than before you played it.)

Support items

Additional sources of draw can make setting up the combo more reliable. Backflip is always strong. Expertise is very situational but can get you out of a pinch when you're almost out of cards so you survive for another cycle.

Concentrate can be used in lieu of Tactician as another source of energy gain but is much less consistent.

Theoretically with infinite energy as long as you have some source of cheap damage you can play it repeatedly until the combat is over, but for more synergistic damage options try Tingsha, Letter Opener, Sneaky Strike, Eviscerate or A Thousand Cuts.

'Infinite Discard' archetype weaknesses

Heart and Time-Eater.

Small deck.