Archetypes: learn how make full use of your deck View archetypes →


Archetype summary

Build up enormous amounts of block and use it to break your enemies.

When to pivot to 'Block' archetype

When you find an early Juggernaut or Body Slam. That said, unlike most archetypes, it is better to transition into this build in Act 2 and Act 3, since it has clunky cards like Barricade and Entrench that can weaken your run until you have more energy.

Star items

Barricade can help you keep up your block; if you're able to outblock the damage you can slowly build it up turn by turn. This can then combo with Entrench to double your block and take it to crazy high values, up to 999, making you practically immortal.

Despite being block focused, this deck still needs to deal damage. Body Slam is an obvious win condition if you can get Barricade set up. An alternative is Juggernaut which allows you to slowly whittle down foes as you turtle, though the fact that it hits random targets makes this less reliable on certain multi-foe encounters. You can of course take both and have the best of both worlds but this isn't required.

Support items

Once Barricade is online, cards that generate huge block in one turn (such as Impervious and Second Wind) go from situational to game-winning. Smaller sources of block can work fine too and are useful for triggering Juggernaut repeatedly.

Disarm and Clothesline can reduce the enemies' damage, also helping to protect your block.

Thinning your deck down with exhaust effects throughout combat can allow you to find your Entrench more often, if you are running it. It's possible to stack up a bunch of block, exhaust virtually everything except Body Slam, then cycle it repeatedly to finish the fight.

'Block' archetype weaknesses

Gremlin Nob and the Chosen punish the use of skills. Drafting too much block in Act 1 whilst Elite hunting is asking for trouble.

In fact, you need to make sure you're still picking up offensive cards in Act 1 to be able to make it through the Act 1 Boss. As previously mentioned, this deck doesn't come together until Act 2 or 3.