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Archetype summary

Never draw a bad card again.

When to pivot to 'Scry' archetype

Scry cards have good utility in any Watcher deck and are easy to pick up. If you find Weave in the first half of Act 1 you can steer into this easily by finding one of the many Scry options the Watcher has.

Star items

Weave solves your damage for this deck. It's a good to draft one before committing too heavily to this archetype since as an uncommon it can be tricky to find. It can account for a lot of damage in a Scry deck; without it, Scry decks can be quite lacklustre. Remember: it's easier to find Scry cards to support Weave than it is to find Weave to support your Scry cards.

It's fine to pick up multiple copies of Weave - up to 3, I would say.

Nirvana can make blocking damage much less of a daunting task, triggering several times per turn. By the time you get to the Heart, it is handy to have two, especially if you have a lot of Weaves, since otherwise you'll just be generating enough block to cover the Beat of Death damage.

Foresight is a strong, consistent source of Scry that has great utility and also triggers your Weave and Nirvana every turn.

Remember when Scrying that Weave will pull itself out of your discard pile if scried away, so always Scry your Weaves!

Support items

With 3 common cards that grant Scry, it's easy to find supporting items for this deck once you have your key pieces. Cut Through Fate is uniquely useful as it offers a source of draw as well, which can be useful when you start getting lots of energy. On 5 energy turns it's not that difficult to draw a Cut Through Fate with Cut Through Fate, and even do this 5 times in a row if you're lucky.

Speaking of lucky, the card Just Lucky is usually too underwhelming to take up a card slot, sometimes leading to wasted energy in later acts, but when supported by Nirvana and Weave it becomes valuable enough to draft. This makes it work well in this deck.

The Watcher has some Scry relics such as Golden Eye and Melange but these are unnecessary; I wouldn't go out of my way to buy Melange from the shop, and although Golden Eye is helpful for getting the most out of your Scry, later on you're not Scrying to manipulate your draw, you're only Scrying to get your Scry effects to trigger. More exciting to me are Kunai and Shuriken which can easily trigger off your Weaves, giving you some amount of additional scaling to help you get through tougher boss fights. Nunchaku and Ink Bottle are also welcome additions. Wish can also help accelerate your damage, making each Weave twice as deadly.

Scry is particularly useful at helping you dodge nasty draws in your deck, so Curses and Statuses are less of a worry than usual. This makes Cursed Key easier to justify, along with some events that give you curses.

Your damage is based on attacks so can you use Wrath as you please, and Scry goes great with stances since it gives you a lot of control over your current and next turn, reducing the chances of being stranded in Wrath. Blasphemy is a good choice when you can see you have multiple Scry cards in hand and a couple Weaves in your discard pile, usually comfortably clearing hallway fights.

You can use Bottled Flame on your Scry to make sure it's at the top of your deck, giving you a guaranteed strong first cycle (though sometimes at the cost of a good turn 1).

'Scry' archetype weaknesses

Weave has a similar problem to Flurry of Blows - it needs to be in your discard pile for you to draw it. Larger decks can help increase how long a Weave can stay in your discard pile for, but if it's at the bottom of a large deck you have just as much of a problem. Multiple copies help make this more consistent, and Scry itself can be used to quickly sift through large decks with ease.

You'll find yourself playing a lot of cards per turn, so anything that disrupts that like Time-Eater and The Heart will be a challenge for this deck.

Note that Scry itself can not force your deck to reshuffle - using Scry with 0 cards in your draw pile does nothing.