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Archetype summary

Repeatedly play Rampage until it builds up devastating amounts of damage.

When to pivot to 'Rampage' archetype

Take when offered Rampage in the first half of Act 1, before you have started drafting too many cards.

Star items

You only need one copy of Rampage. The idea is to keep the deck small so you can play it as often as possible, making it stronger and stronger until there's nothing left of your opponents. Rampage is a priority upgrade as it scales almost twice as fast when upgraded.

Double Tap's synergy with Rampage is twofold - not only do you benefit from the damage twice but you also trigger the damage increase twice.

Support items

Headbutt is great for pulling your Rampage repeatedly. Up to two can be drafted.

Exhaust cards can be useful for thinning your deck, allowing Rampage to come around more often.

Draw cards are also useful for the same reason.

Vulnerable is useful for adding a mutliplier to those big Rampage hits.

'Rampage' archetype weaknesses

Don't take multiple copies of Rampage - focus on scaling one copy of Rampage.

Keep your deck slim and avoid drafting status-generating cards. Status-generating enemies can be problematic for the deck too.

Since it is not recommended to pick up a lot of cards, it can be difficult to keep up with the scaling power level of the enemies as you progress through the run - take Elite fights where possible to keep yourself strong with relics.