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Envenom Poison

Envenom Poison

Archetype summary

Cut your foes to shreds while racking up Poison.

When to pivot to 'Envenom Poison' archetype

When you find an early Envenom, or when you find Envenom and you already have a shiv deck.

Star items

Envenom is the namesake of this archetype - it is a less common Poison archetype which relies much more greatly on attacks. This deck can tear through Artifact and deliver solid damage, amped up in longer fights, making your deck more versatile than Poison alone.

Envenom can be paired with any kind of attacks, but Shivs tend to be cheap and plentiful so work best.

Support items

Silent has a surprising number of multi-hit cards that are great for applying Poison. Some are difficult to pull off, so make sure it complements the rest of your deck. Flechettes, for example, relies on Skills, but an Envenom deck tends to draft a lot of Attacks.

Bane gets a special mention, since if the first application applies Poison from Envenom, it will perform its second attack even if the target wasn't initially poisoned.

Remember to keep drafting defense to make sure you're not losing too much health in fights.

'Envenom Poison' archetype weaknesses

The Spheric Guardian is extremely difficult to penetrate with Envenom, since it doesn't apply through block. A single Bouncing Flask can help clear this encounter, or you can rely on standard attacks without needing Envenom to finish it off.