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Searing Blow

Searing Blow

Archetype summary

Upgrade Searing Blow repeatedly until it one-shots foes.

When to pivot to 'Searing Blow' archetype

When you find an early Searing Blow in Act 1 and have plenty of Rest Sites ahead of you.

Star items

Take one copy of Searing Blow and upgrade it as much as possible. Each subsequent upgrade of Searing Blow gives a bigger damage increase, making it a worthy investment.

Armaments+ isn't a necessary addition but can help spread the love, upgrading some of your other cards and even occasionally adding a temporary boost to your Searing Blow too.

Support items

Headbutt is important to ensure you can find your Searing Blow repeatedly. Draw cards matter for the same reason.

The egg relics can upgrade any new cards you pick up, which can be a small help, though you shouldn't be drafting too much./nDouble Tap, Dual Wield and vulnerable effects can help you get the most of your Searing Blow, as can Necronomicon.

Wing Boots help you jump to as many Rest Sites as possible.

'Searing Blow' archetype weaknesses

You can't afford to upgrade many other cards than Searing Blow, if any. When drafting cards, make sure they are already upgraded or that they don't need to be to be effective.

If you fall behind on upgrading your Searing Blow, it can be a slippery slope to your death, as you need to rest at camp fires which means you'll be taken more damage from future fights due to a weaker Searing Blow.

It can sometimes be better to forego Elite combats in order to preserve your health so you can afford to continually upgrade. The downside is you won't have many relics to support you.

Fusion Hammer is an obvious no-go.