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Evaluate 📉

Evaluate 📉

16th Mar 2020

Evaluate 📉

Hi there Spire Spy-ers!

First of all, thank you so much to everybody who has uploaded their games to the website so far. We now have a whopping 17,000 individual runs! Give yourselves a pat on the back. 😉 We hope that by having raw run data we can better analyse which cards are strongest and under which circumstances. If you haven’t uploaded your runs yet, get to it!

Every game counts.

With all this data at our fingertips it’s easy to get overwhelmed – rest assured, we’re going to be using the data sweetly and succinctly to avoid bogging you down with hundreds of details you never asked for. Our current plans are as follows: First up is a scatter graph of the floor each card was picked on, separated out by ascension level, and whether these runs resulted in a win or a loss. If you see lots of red dots in the early floors, this is most likely a card you want to pick up in Act 3. The dots higher up on the graph show how games pan out in higher ascension - a strategy that works on ascension 0 doesn’t necessarily work on ascension 20!

We plan on showing both the Win Rate and Pick Rate for each card directly on the tier list screen. This might help you assess how popular and how successful certain cards are. A high win rate and high pick rate is a solid pick in any deck; a high win rate and low pick rate likely means that this card snuck into a niche deck where it showed its strengths, but it may be a card that has tricky win conditions (such as Signature Move or Meteor). Alongside our hand-picked tier listings, these will help you to navigate the spire and piece together game-breaking combos!

As more graphs come to mind, we’ll be adding them to the card pages – showing upgrade rate, upgrade floor, and the optimal number of card copies (just to name a few) are all on our list for consideration.

Thanks for all your support so far! We hope you are enjoying the website and it’s helping you smash through the spire one ascension at a time. If you have any suggestions or spot any bugs, let us know in the footer below and we’ll get on it right away. 💪

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