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23rd May 2018


Tier lists are here and ready to go! Now you can see the general power level of a card when loading cards up in the comparator or when just generally browsing.

The tier lists rank from S+ to F, and are a general indicator of how strong the card is IN ANY GIVEN DECK. There are a lot of cards that when combined have insanely strong combo potential, but alone are pretty terrible.

The tier given is intended to show you how 'generally' strong each card is. That's not to say you can never pick an E rated card, but make sure you have the proper deck to support it before you do.

This is particularly important in the early game, when there aren't as many synergies to look out for. It can often be a choice between 0 synergies, 0 synergies and 0 synergies, so this allows to give you some greater context to a card's strength - the higher tier cards are better stand-alone cards, and can help form a foundation before any clear synergies become apparent. It can even help out when EVERY card seems to have high synergy ratings - the defect class in particular has a lot of synergistic interactions involving evoking and channeling orbs, so it can help to give a little clarity when everything seems to fit into a deck.

We've also added a handy tier lists page for if you want to take a quick skim of the ratings before heading into the Spire.

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