Beta Version Changelog

Keep track of the updates and changes to the beta version.

latest update

13 Mar 2024

Card corrections:

  • Heel hook: updated working 'is' -> 'has'

Planned work

    Priority task

  • Look into missed pre-rendered watcher card and then check all cards rendering
  • 404 pages for all routes
  • Fix search modal not covering nav
  • Improve search modal on mobile
  • Fix missing defend and strike cards for all characters
  • Allow for widescreen option on desktop
  • Working share links on item trays and card pages - I can copy link ...bloodforblood#cardantisynergies
  • Fix error image for skill to attack - have just one
  • Image optimisation
  • Improve card/relic pages to include more information - wiki-style
  • Fix ratio data and update Card and Relic interface
  • Out of date cards

  • Feel No Pain
  • Ritual Dagger
  • Pride
  • Migration to '/spirespy'

  • Create SEO structure for all pages following previous structure
  • Turn off 'do not index' on google crawler
  • Check old redirects in both router file and nginx on server
  • Create 301 directs for all pages
  • Work post migration

  • Update cards and relics - some outdated
  • Improve the rarity highlighting on the relics - maybe use improved colours and an icon for the rarity and something else for character
  • Ideas

  • Rebuild comparator allowing use anywherh4>e in site
  • Drag drop game file to put card set into comparator for super quick usage

07 Feb 2024

Card corrections:

  • Eviscerate: damage changed
  • Reprogram: all figures corrected
  • Glacier: block deduced
  • Fire breathing: + card cost
  • Pride: include 'Innate'
  • TURBO: common card not uncommon
  • Dramatic entrance: damage changed
  • Claw: damage changed

Relic corrections:

  • Eternal feather: uncommon relic not boss relic

05 Feb 2024

Card corrections:

  • Malaise: 'uncommon' -> 'rare'
  • Static discharge: 'unblocked attack damage'
  • Leg sweep: block amount
  • Poisoned stag: damage amount
  • Hyperbeam: damage amount
  • Grand finale: 'uncomon' -> 'rare'
  • Rupture+: cost 0 -> 1, 'gain 1 Strength' -> 'gain 2 Strength'
  • Accuracy: damage amount
  • Swift strike: damage amount
  • Sunder+: damage amount
  • Forethought: cost and number of cards

10 Dec 2023

Additional card updates:

  • Phantasmal killer
  • Unload
  • Steam barrier

07 Dec 2023

Additional card updates:

  • Fission
  • Transmutation
  • Slice

27 Nov 2023

Cards and relics have finally been updated!!

This one has been overdue for several years, sorry!

The way we do the synergies has been made far to complex and its taken time to get it working again.

But we are able to update things again.

Thank you for your reports on outdated cards so far, please keep reporting cards and relics that are outdated and we will quickly patch them up going forward.

02 Nov 2023

  • Fixed issues with the database not being available

The db would sleep but that should not happen any more.

  • Note that all server related services no longer run on the old SpireSpy

28 Aug 2023

  • Added sign up for our upcoming new mod 'The Cookie'

Its taken me over a week to wire up a new server and database system but we can finally get back to a working server. For now its simple allowing us to add an email subscription form for updates to our new mod.

  • Mod page updates to include some ads and to highlight SpireSpy mods
  • Partially build unsubscribe page (link in footer)

14 Aug 2023

  • More compact relic floating navigation design to save space, feedback welcome!
  • Relic any card filter design improvements, including better wording, "hide 'any'" -> 'include any'
  • Devlog images fixed
  • number of cards on grid updated for cards and relic browser

13 Aug 2023

More compact card floating navigation design to save space (cards only currently), feedback welcome!

Previous design Old nav

New design New nav

12 Aug 2023

  • Fixed broken layering on mobile search (the nav bar was blocking the search field on mobile)
  • Updated mods design
  • Added milkman mod link to mods page (planned re-design on design for sorting and filtering)

01 Jul 2023

  • Improved search design
  • Improved navigation
  • Fix missing card and relic pre-rendering
  • Improved card and relic browser design for list pages

17 Apr 2023

  • Fixed detail page not showing all relic synergies
  • Fixed detail page not working correctly when pressing the show all button
  • Fixed a bug where switching between relics and cards was not loading the last character selection (Ironclad, Silent, Defect, Watcher)
  • Fixed a bug with loading saved recent search history
  • Fixed 'bird-faced urn' and 'du-vu doll' relic images

17 Apr 2023

  • Re-order the rarity option to improve navigation awareness between cards and relics
  • Converted nav links to programatic version

12 Apr 2023

  • Altered rarity order on cards to display starter first
  • SEO work on cards completed

10 Apr 2023

  • We have received lots of outdated reporting for cards and relics! Thank you so much for reporting - these cards will be corrected in the coming weeks, please bear with me.
  • Removed outdated button from error pages
  • Added animations to homescreen
  • SEO work

07 Apr 2023

  • Improved home page design
  • Fixed 'Recent' search results in search modal
  • Work on correcting outdated cards, thank you to everyone reporting these, its really helping!
  • Fixed 'Switch to cards/relics' so that it stays on the same sort function (where it exists on both)

05 Apr 2023

  • Added hide button for outdated ca
  • Work on SEO started
  • Store search selections

04 Apr 2023

  • Added gold text highlighting for the words 'Curse', 'Ethereal', 'Unplayable' on cards.
  • Added outdated card and relic reporting buttons

03 Apr 2023

  • Removed autocomplete from search input
  • Ctrl or Command presses no longer trigger the search modal to open
  • Fixed 'Switch to relics' text on the relics page - now 'Switch to cards'
  • Relics option bar now shows highlight for sort type
  • Cards option bar now shows highlight for sort type

03 Apr 2023

  • Fixed mobile search button
  • Removed unnecessary text for mobile
  • Fixed relic mobile design
  • Improved mobile UX on the card and relic details page
  • Fixed self forming clay image

02 Apr 2023

  • Brand new search function design (needs slight visual repairs in mobile but does work)

I spent a long time fixing the search and it feels slick now its working! Let us know what you think in the feedback link

31 Mar 2023

  • Card and relic browser almost mobile ready (90% complete), just missing the search functionality (search will be complete overhauled in the coming weeks)
  • Fixed a viewport bug for mobiles causing a weird resizing of the webpage, the detail slider and others
  • Fixed a bug on mobile preventing the close button showing
  • Improved UI to show that you can press esc key to clost the detail slider on desktop
  • Improved styling of the tabs on the browser for cards and relics

30 Mar 2023

  • Fixed card detail pages (eg. Feed page)
  • Fixed relic detail pages
  • Added feedback form to the site - linked in banner above nav
  • Fixed item detail slide up (modal) url change when navigating inside modal to different cards and relics
  • Fixed navigation issue on item detail page where relics was not properly redirecting
  • SEO work on some pages

29 Mar 2023

  • Improved card and relic browser design
  • improved card relic switcher design
  • Added memory function to remember character when jumping from 'colorless' and 'curse' cards to relics and from 'any' relics to cards
  • Prevented reaching options that dont exist (eg. curse tierlist)
  • Improve card sorting option highlights (needs to be color matched still)
  • Added 'no synergies' message to cards or relics with no synergies (looking at your Astrolabe)

28 Mar 2023

  • Fixed error where browser optiions was not floating near the top of the screen and instead dissapeared when scrolling
  • Fixed breaking link for relics browser when viewing 'any' tab and selecting tierlist.
  • Added redirect to a-z where this happens from a change of character
  • Fixed 'Ring of the snake' relic showing 3 tiers rather than just silent tier ranking

28 Mar 2023

  • Added nav link from spirespy v1 to v2 beta
  • Improved mobile view of card browser to show 2/3/4 cards based on browser width.

27 Mar 2023

  • changes to navigation bar styling
  • addition of beat version banner
  • devlog posts implemented
  • mobile friendly relic lists